I bought a new Ruger 77 nearly 30 years ago in 7X57 and it was a gem. I didn't reload then and couldn't realize the ballistic potential, but it killed every buck stone dead on the spot with mildly loaded 140 gr Corlokts for several years. I sold it to a neighbor who, to this day, will NOT sell it back to me!
I renewed our relationship with a new Ruger 1-A Sporter 7X57 last September. I'm loading a 95% load of IMR 4831 behind 140 gr Nosler Partitions close to 2800 FPS without excessive recoil.....in fact....I believe (after shooting them side by side) less felt recoil than a comparably stocked 7MM-08. :roll:
You will love the way they shoot......sweet.....