I tried the 0000 steel wool and there were no results. I didn't notice any change at all. Should I step up to a 3? They sell 1, 2, 3, and 0000 at Lowes. There's no pitting, it seems to be sitting right on the surface, but as you all know, the surface is kinda bead blasted, so I can't really get in there very good.
Any ideas? I soaked it with rem oil really good past couple of days to kinda loosen stuff up. Did it again to the gun and the steel wool. Maybe I'm not putting enough pressure? Should I really scrub it good and hard?
I haven't kept anything in my safe for moisture, it's probably a good idea to add something though. But living in the same area for as long as I have I've never had an issue with it in the past so I've never worried about it. Not even my blued barrels that see bad conditions had a spec of surface stuff on them, just the encore stuff did : /