Sorry guys, I've been having computer problems (as in NOT having one at the moment), so I have not been able to check here as often as I'd like. As to parts, the originals (not the 'new' EMF Great Westerns) were very close Colt SAA clones excepting for the frame mounted firing pin. So most any Colt/clone parts should fit. I have used Uberti cylinder stop bolts in several brands of 'clone' guns with satisfaction, and that's the most likely part to need fiting. Of course most trigger/bolt stop springs and mainspring are pretty interchangable, except the older EMF 'Heritage' model had a slightly longer trigger spring. Grips are a crap shoot, same as for a Colt. There will likely be fitting involved to get them down to the grip frame dimentions unless you get really lucky. For that same reason I will not buy used Colt grips because most have been fitted at the factory meaning they may be too small for your Colt grip, or not. I believe if you buy an aftermarket set of grips for a Colt SAA they will most likely be a close fit, possibly needing to be dressed down a little to the frame. Right now I'm in the market for a set of the one piece style wood grips for an EAA Bounty Hunter if someone has a set lying around in a drawer. I'd love to have found a few Great Westerns back when they sold cheap. Now most people have discovered that they were of very high quality and the price has come up accordingly. 44 Man