TM questions western values as oposed to muslim values;
" What about the Conquest of the Americas?.. and the slave trade...? The salem witch hunts....? The current GWOT..?
Progress is the most misused word in the English language"
Let's go, point by point;
1) What about the conquest of America..
We were about on par with most civilizations..the Aryans moving west from Asia, the Celts spreading over western Europe, The Angles and Saxons pushing the Britons and the Normans kicking butt on the Anglo-Saxons. The stronger takes the weaker..even if the weaker do fight back. A normal human story.
2)The slave trade, evil thing, no excuse, but there are a couple redeeming features;
*** .A) the descendants of those of African heritage who survived, are generally doing much better than those who stayed in Africa
*** B) THough costly to the nation, we did a painful "self cleaning" about 150 years ago...while the Islamic nations seem tro give wholesale approval to the practice.
3) Salem witch hunts....A small contingent in Salem Mass, came down like thunder on a largely defensless group. They wouldn't have gotten away with this in The United States of America, with it's constitution. But of course, this misapplication of justice was applied under George III...(circa 1692)
4) GWOT..initials I avoid.. doesn't need nuch much clarification.
I agree, progress is a much maligned word and often constitutes a lie, especially as applied by those who refer to themselves as "progressives"..