Author Topic: ? about loose Contenders  (Read 575 times)

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Offline Possum

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? about loose Contenders
« on: January 08, 2004, 07:30:46 PM »
I just looked at a blue Contender frame with an early serial number.  The 222 Rem Oct barrel was very loose when opened (side to side).  I don't have any experience with frames that have been shot a lot.  Is this wear on the frame pin hole, wear on the pin itself, or wear on the pin hole in the barrel.  I'm gonna guess and say it could be any of the three.  Does anyone know what usually is the culprit or wears down first on well used pistols.  

If it is the frame I am wondering if a larger pivot pin would solve the problem?

Also, there was a 8" 44 mag barrel with the choke included (10" total).  It had ports on the top of each side of the barrel before the choke tube.  Was this TC issue or was it an aftermarket feature someone added to the barrel?  Any help appreciated.

Offline Bug

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This may be...
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2004, 02:11:09 AM »
 What you have just may be factory tolerances on the maximum side, creating a little"slop" when it is open. It may not have any effect on how the pistol shoots. Or you may have wear on ALL these parts. Maybe even a little stretch thrown in to boot. I doubt this though, when the .222 cartridge is considered. Probably just factory tolerances. What did the pin, barrel hole, and frame holes look like? Lots of wear? That's how I would decide if it was wear, or just factory slop.
 The .44 barrel you describe is a factory issue. It was one of the earlier hotshot barrels. Don't fire a bulleted load with the choke in place! The holes (ports) are original.......................Bug.
It's The Little Things That Matter.

Offline Possum

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« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2004, 02:35:10 AM »
Thanks, Bug.  I appreciate the info.  Might just take one of my barrels up there and see how that fits the frame.  Thanks again.

Offline Jim Stacy

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not tight TC ? couldn't spell loose
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2004, 01:33:03 PM »
The 222 10" is not a bad barrel . You can load it with H4227 to decent velocities or the 4198 loads would probably work but be pretty inefficient  with any of the ball powder loabs usually fired in the triple duce . Great little round in a rifle . I has a Remington mod 725 that would shoot .3" groups at 100 with careful loading techniques. I have also had a 14" TC in the past that was a great shooter , traded it off because I thought I had to have a 223 . How is your 30/30 project working. Hodgon #26 (I think ) has some siloutte loads listed for the 10" 30/30. Talk later Jim

Offline Possum

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« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2004, 02:57:43 PM »
I finally had time to get some 150gr Noslers loaded with H380.  At least I can work a load up with the things I have on hand.  Just had the twins on Monday and brought them home on Wed. so I have been hanging around the house taking care of the family.  Maybe I can duck away tomorrow afternoon and run out to the range and test a few loads.  I still want to work up a plinker load for the 30-30 so I will check out the info you gave me.  Talk later - time to feed the chillun.

Offline Jim Stacy

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Twins !!
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2004, 05:47:18 PM »
Congratulations !! 20 fingers 20 toes ? Momma doing OK ? You need to sleep all you can because you may be helping some . :-) . I have several loads fore the 10" 30/30 but your 150 H380 should work pretty well . I sold the 270 Ren and 32 Mag barrels , I think . Got money for one not for the other yet but pretty sure it's on the way . I bought a pristine Mod 25 locally made about 1980 looked almost unfired tight and  all that but trigger needs a little work , that I can fix! Trying to talk wife into going to indoor range tomorrow and shoot her Walther I got her for Christmas and I'll just naturally have to shoot the 25 if we go . Good luck on your kids keep them out of crowds and away from other people wash your hands a lot and wash again before you touch their faces . Thr flu is out in force believe I know form the kids that come to our ED. Later Jim

Offline haroldclark

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Possum - Light Loads for 30/30
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2004, 01:32:21 PM »
I have a 10" 30/30 and I shoot light loads in it all the time.  I don't even shoot my 32 H&R Mag 'cause I get such good light loads in the 30/30.

I used Saeco's mold #316 (150 grain gas checked bullet) with 9.5 gr of IMR SR 7625 (shotgun and pistol powder.  The accuracy is incredible.

A little hotter load and notes from my database on the loading are below:
30/30 Winchester Loads 10" TC   7/31/01 Pistol Silhouette Range
13.5 Gr H4227  
#315 Saeco (173 Gr Gas Checked bullet) (Bullets were seconds from my castings of WW + 2% tin.).
Excellent load.  The 200 Meter Ram knockdown power was mostly adequate.  Occasionaly, one would not fall.  I don't want to load this up much more because of increased recoil.  
Deadly load, though.  I could call head shots on Rams at 200 Meters and whack the small hanging ram at will.  No barrel Leading at all.

Harold Clark