With out taking sides either way, the question I have is why someone that wants to open a business that allows smoking and caters to the smoker is forced to obey a law that says they can't do it.
If the owner were to place a sign on the door stating that this business allows smoking then I don't see where anyone has the right to complain.
If you don't like smoke then don't go in.
No one is forcing you to, but if you do go in, then that was your choice and you knew it in advance.
As far as the employees, they must be told at the time they are hired that they will be working in a smoking endowment.
If they don't want to do that then don't apply for the job.
Those that don't like the smoke can and will go someplace else.
Those that want to smoke or don't mind it is free to enter or go someplace else also.
Again, no one is forcing them to enter or to work there.
Like I said, I am not taking sides, just think that the person should be able to decide for them self.
One last thing about that second hand smoke.
We all know that it is bad for you but they make like it is worse than first hand smoke.
If it is so bad then why doesn't the government just ban all forms of smoking?
They banned it from businesses with no problem.
Maybe they just don't want to loose all that tax money from the sale of tobacco.
I wish they would ban tobacco and while they are at it ban beer wine and liquor also.