Author Topic: Jesse Jackson hints at a black uprising...racism on the left appears again....  (Read 542 times)

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Offline SwampThing762

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 Jesse Jackson: America 'On Edge of An Explosion'       Sunday, 02 Oct 2011 06:15 PM
 By Martin Gould and Kathleen Walter
     Share:               More . . .    A    A   |      Email Us   |         |      Forward Article             Civil rights activist and former presidential candidate Jesse Jackson warns that the American economy resembles nothing so much as the Titanic, and if President Obama and Congress doesn't do something soon, America's streets could easily explode in civil unrest.
 Jackson warned in a Newsmax interview that New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg might have a point  when he predicted rioting on the streets.
 “There is real tension in the  streets because people are becoming so desperate,” he said. “We’re  really on the edge of an explosion.”
 Jackson said it is time to revisit President Lyndon Johnson’s war on poverty, targeting jobs to the most needy areas.
 “We must now reconvene that basic White House  commission on malnutrition and human need and not give jobs indirectly  through tax cuts but direct jobs in the Roosevelt vein.
 “When  people are able to work they get their self-esteem back; their families  gain strength again, they buy houses, they buy cars.
 “But we are  giving more and more to fewer and fewer and they are investing less and  less. Put the money where the people are who spend it.”
 Jackson  likened the situation in America now to the sinking of the Titanic. “We  keep feeding the wealthy on the deck while the water is coming in at the  bottom,” he said.
 “The great Titanic did not sink because the  wind blew the chairs on the deck, it sank because the water came in from  the bottom. The bottom is feeling the impact of rising water and  desperation.
 He also implored his friend Ralph Nader not to try to set up a third-party challenge to President Barack Obama in an exclusive message relayed through a Newsmax interview.
 The veteran civil rights champion labeled Nader’s plan as “not wise” and said it would have Republicans “salivating” because it would make the path to the White House so much easier for the GOP.
 “While I’m a great supporter of Ralph Nader, his run allowed [George W.] Bush to get in,” Jackson said in the exclusive interview during a break at the Clinton Global Initiative in New York City. “Your strategies must correspond with your objectives.”
 Jackson, who turns 70 next month, noted that he himself ran for president in 1984 and 1988 through the Democratic primary system, not as a third-party challenger.
 “I wanted to expand the options, expand the issues, but not in any way that will in fact create unintended consequences,” he said.
 Jackson alleged that Republicans in 38 states are trying to suppress votes and Nader’s plan would only drain support from Obama’s re-election campaign.
 “If they are going to add to voter suppression the loss of 3 or 4 million votes, [Republicans] will win hands down. I don’t want that to happen.”
 Jackson expressed disappointment that nobody on the campaign trail is talking about the issue of poverty among Americans.
 “We have nearly 47 million Americans in poverty,” he said. “Poverty is bad for your health. People who are in poverty are least able to get insurance, the infant mortality rate is higher, life expectancy is shorter, many illnesses go undealt with.
 “It’s bad for education: Children with good minds cannot afford to go to school. Today’s student loan debt is greater than credit card debt, many lose aspirations. Communities do not have a tax base, so it destabilizes communities.
 “There must be some commitment now to reinvest in America from the bottom up. The trillion-dollars plus that we have spent in Iraq alone, that misappropriation of funds is coming back to haunt us.”
 And even though he believes that Obama’s jobs plan probably will not benefit black America, he supports it because of the proposal to increase the tax burden on corporations and the wealthiest.
 “We gave them the most subsidy. The banks drove over the cliff because of greed,” Jackson said. “They invested over lending and we bailed them out, the government gave them a tax deal, but not linked to lending.
 “So banks are now awash in capital and home foreclosures continue to rise.”
 He also criticized the president’s healthcare plan for not including a public option which he said will mean that insurance companies continue to make money at the expense of the consumer.
 On top of that, he said, “The five major oil companies made a trillion dollars since 9/11, they’re still getting tax subsidy. The Bush tax cut extension amounts to more money than all the state budget deficits combined.”
  © Newsmax. All rights reserved.

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Jesse Jackson: America 'On Edge of An Explosion'
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Offline Lon371

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Was wondering how much longer he could stay quiet. Been quite a while since he was in the media ;D  Must be an election coming or something.

Offline powderman

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I believe that the righteous rev jesse was who inspired all the riots in England with his hate whitey speeches. POWDERMAN.  :o :o
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
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Offline srussell

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i would love to have a copy of him poising with the p-stone gang  in chicogo. during the 60,s riots saw it on the historh chanle

Offline gypsyman

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I have to agree with one thing he said. Bring back jobs like in the Roosevelt vein. I belive that to mean WPA. In stead of just giving out welfare money, make them work for a buck. Repair roads, paint buildings and bridge's, simple maintenance jobs. That would cut into the union jobs, but, hey, everybody has to make a sacrifice. gypsyman
We keep trying peace, it usually doesn't work!!Remember(12/7/41)(9/11/01) gypsyman

Offline srussell

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I have to agree with one thing he said. Bring back jobs like in the Roosevelt vein. I belive that to mean WPA. In stead of just giving out welfare money, make them work for a buck. Repair roads, paint buildings and bridge's, simple maintenance jobs. That would cut into the union jobs, but, hey, everybody has to make a sacrifice. gypsyman
+1 on that. that would get us going again

Offline magooch

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I'm waiting to hear Jackson say the one thing that would make the most difference--get the G*) da&n#) illegals out of this country and stop them from coming back.  I guess that would be two things.  Anyway, start with the simple stuff.  And yes I know the jobs that would open up are not the kind of jobs that Jackson and his followers have in mind.

Offline Dixie Dude

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We can create 1.8 million new jobs averaging $60,000 a year in the private sector IF the government would allow drilling on government lands (not national parks), offshore and in Alaska.  Open up the oil fields in North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, build the pipeline from there to Texas so the oil can be refined. Open up offshore on the Atlantic, eastern Gulf, and in Alaska. 
The result:
1.8 million new jobs
eliminates foreign oil within 10 years
gives 13 TRILLION to feds fromr windfall oil profits
This would stabilise the dollar, get it going back, keep money in America, stabilise the bond market.
This was told to Obama, his answer:  "We will have a battery for an electric car that can go over 130 miles on a charge within 5 years.  (There are about 175 million cars and trucks on the road using oil and gas and they won't dissapear in 5 years, but more like 20).  This would also ensure him reelection.  However his socialist agenda is more important. 
We don't need more government programs providing jobs.  Our own economy can do it IF they would pass the right bills, get EPA off the backs of corportations, rewrite the "free trade agreements" and make them FAIR trade agreements, and bring the factories back.  Our government is bankrupt, more spending for temporary jobs will not work this time.  Government had a balanced budget when Roosevelt took office.  We no longer have that. 

Offline OldSchoolRanger

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Jesse Jackson is an extortionist, pure and simple.  He really doesn't care for his fellow blacks.  He uses them to threaten to "boycott" a business until, the business gives in to him.  The outcome is usually a "quiet" settlement, awarding a franchise to Jackson to give to one of his cronies, or family.  This was the outcome of Jacksons threaten boycott of a major gasoline company years ago.  Ask yourself, how did a "preacher" become so affluent so quickly?  Church donations? I think not.
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My quandary, I personally, don't think I have enough Handi's but, I know I have more Handi's than I really need or should have.

Offline guntech59

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Here's a question for Jesse........Where is the money for this going to come from?  More borrowing? >:(

Offline powderman

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Good ol jesse has made a very affluent living by being black. Like OSR said, extortionist is a good description for him. POWDERMAN.  :o :o
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.