Herman Cain's 999 Plan is pretty simple - Businesses pay 9% on revenue after investments, individuals pay 9% on income after charitable deductions, and pay 9% Federal Sales tax. You can read about it at
http://www.hermancain.com/999plan and likely lots of other places.
I'm interested in hearing what you think about it - what's right about it, what's wrong about it, how it would affect you, etc. I know it is asking a lot of some of you, but keep it on topic, coherent, leave the conspiracy theories in the appropriate forum, and back up what you say with facts and real world examples.
And because I started the topic, I'll start with my take:
What's right about it: The 47% or so of people that do not pay any Federal taxes today will now start paying some. As Barry was so insistent about, they will have "some skin in the game" under this plan because even if they don't have any "income", whatever they spend will be taxed. It also makes sure that corporations will pay taxes as well - no more zero tax years for GE.
What's wrong about it - well, unless I'm missing something, I and most people I know will pay more Federal taxes under this plan, and I could see where upper income brackets could pay less than they do (remember, the top 5% pay an average of 21% of gross today, so the most they would pay is 18% under this plan, and that's if they spend everything they make and pay sales tax on it.)
So, here is a real world example for you - not me, but is typical of several people I know (Family of 4, mortgage, give 10% to the church, manage to save/invest maybe 5% toward retirement, pay about 5% state income tax):
Under current tax law, it breaks down like this:
Total income: $75,000
Total deductions: $37,500 (including mortgage interest deduction, charitable giving, pre-tax health insurance premiums, etc.)
Total Federal taxes:$9,500 (including Federal Income Tax, Social Security Payroll Tax, Medicare Payroll Tax)
Under the 999 plan it would look like this:
Total Income: $75,000
Total deductions: $7,500 (charitable giving only)
Income taxable under the first '9': $67,500
Federal Income Tax @9%: $6075
Looks good so far, but that second '9' is where it gets interesting:
Total savings at 5%: $3750
State Tax at 5%: $3750
Discretionary income: $53,925 (= Total Income - Charitable giving - Federal Tax - State Tax - Savings )
Federal Sales Tax @9%: $4853.25 (This is assuming you spend everything since otherwise, it would be savings, right?)
Total Federal Taxes under the 999 plan: $10,928.25
So, almost another $1,500 per year in Federal taxes. These people don't have $1,500 extra in their budget, and frankly I don't have the room in my budget for the extra amount I would pay under the 999 plan either.
What's your take?