Winter Hawk: When I arrived in Alaska in 1971, I was told by Fish and Game there was no Coyotes in Alaska. When my buddy and I reported we had heard them howling behind the base, we were told they must have been young wolves. I had heard reports of them back behind Eielson AFB, but Officially they were not there.
In 1985 they could no longer deny their presence, someone hit one with a car on base. Since then I have witnessed their population explosion in the Tanana Flats. I have shot them, trapped them, ran over them with snow machines, and seen them in my back yard here in North Pole.
As for Mtn. Lions, why not. Our winters are not that much colder now than the Northern Tier of States. Just a little longer. We have an abundence of game in some areas. Game that a Mtn. Lion would have no trouble taking down. Lynx live here, and do well. Coyotes have adapted. Why not Mtn Lions?
Ah, just think, another animal to test the .17HMR on. Still looking for that Grizzly oppertunity.