I'm not tryin to offend any one but, the truth is, know one knows whom will do what, until they've actually been in a "real" fight. All else is speculating, and speculating accounts for nothing, but more speculation. I've met lots of "would be gunfighters", and self proclaimed "pistol wizards" in my past career. I've listened to their bravado on what if, and 90% were all hat, and no cattle, regardless of their training, and I saw them on both sides of the badge too.
I once knew an officer that everyone on that force believed was in over his head, every morning when he pinned on that badge. He was mild mannered, and quite, and diminutive in size. He answered a call one night of a man with a gun, and when he got to the parking lot, over 30 teenagers watched as an armed Mexican threw down on him as he walked up. At less than fifteen feet, facing an already drawn gun, he (the officer) from the holster, put 4 rounds in the Mexican before the Mexican could fall using a Model 19 Smith. Autopsy said he (the Mexican) most likely was dead before he hit the ground. His goal was to protect those teenagers, and he was willing to take a bullet doing it. Not one witness contradicted the other in their sworn statements. No bragging, no talking. If the Mexican got to the teenagers, he was going to have to kill that officer first. When the fight was over, and the paper work was done, and the hearing was concluded, the officer went right back to whom he had always been. A quite, mild mannered, diminutive in size officer, whom would charge hell with a bucket of water, when life just got real uncomplicated.
You can do all the practicing, speculating on what you, or someone else would do, and all the game playing you want. Practice, and training is good, and most times essential. It still doesn't mean you'll stand and fight, if and when the time comes.
So "What makes a good gunfighter?" Someone that will stand and fight knowing a bullet may have their name on it, and they stand and fight anyway. And they usually aren't who you think they are.