I shot two deer with a T/C Encore with a 15in. .243 this year. The first was about 10 feet from the base of my treestand. The other was at about 65-70 yards. The first one I just shot down through it's spine and kept on hunting. The second one was another story. The deer came in behind me, stood broadside looking back over it's opposite shoulder. This gun will shoot sub 1 1/2 'groups at 100 yards. I braced the gun against the tree, squeezed the trigger, and this deer hunched up, kicked at it's side like it was hit hard, and ran off with it's head and tail both down. Well, the first blood didn't show up till after about 80 yards, and the deer was alot further then that. The 90gr. bullet hit a couple of inches above the heart and sealed back up. This is a relitivly small fast bullet. I have had bigger bullets hit further off the mark and knock deer right off thier feet. I love my .243 rifle, but decided to trade off my Encore barrel and got a larger caliber.