Guys, Here's an idea, start a pettition to "not vote" for those representatives that vote yes for this type of legislation.
You missunderstand, my friend. This will probably be a vote of the people as it was a petition drive that, under Alaska State law, appears to have the correct # of signatures to be placed on a ballot in November. It's the people that have to be notified and minds changed or (better yet) enlightened.
"Talking and writing about it won't do a darn thing.
Get out and vote!!! I'll see you at the Poles."
I understand your message (and point
), but want to make a different point of consideration: we MUST talk about it to all of the 60 to 70% of those who are not hunters or enviromental activists...yet are Alaskans.
I have contacted all of my local F&G people, my Rep. and Senator, and have fired off letters to the Governor and Lt. Governor. I assure all here that we have the Government majority (Repubs.) on our side. I have talked to people at every chance: relatives, friends, acquaintances, and even total strangers! I will not stop talking until I cast my vote in the booth.
There is still a little light peeking out. The Wackos may have exceeded the number of votes total required by law...but they still must have minimums from ALL of the areas of the state. In person no less, my Represenative came by my shop and explained to me that each and every vote will be checked out to the fullest. He said he would be suprised to see that the petition had garnered enough votes in some areas to allow said petition to qualify. We will have to see. In the meantime, I urge everyone to at least tell one other person that might be sympathetic to hunters (but doesn't hunt) about the petition and relate the facts... and then urge them to vote down this prohibition.
I will end my soapbox sojourn here.