I shot a 400gr .458 Rem JSP that was designed for use in the 45-70 out of my 458WM @ 1800fps into a bull bison over 2000#. I hit him in the right ham as he was walking away from me..I was shooting for the base of the tail and hit him a few inches to the right of there. It exited out his throat...that was 5 ft of penetration thru muscle and bone with a bullet never meant to be used for that caliber or penetration. I never recovered the bullet as it exited but I'm sure it was little more than a ragged chunk of lead without the jacket.
Now imagine what a premium .458/450gr bullet @ 2100fps is capable of doing.
I've never agreeded much with what JJ posts but he is correct that is one hell'va lot of power, with limited applications anywhere in the world.
who does the above sound like, that almost sounds like something I'd say. oh wait, that was your own post from a while back. so now when a softpoint, out of a .458 at the same velocity a garrett solid hammerhead/45/70 of 420 grains will go, will now penetrate 5ft of buffalo, now you are claiming the garrett isn't suitable for DG, you are now officially double talking out both ends. oh wait, a garrett, a soft point, a .458, all exiting a buffalo is somehow not good enough penetration? cape buff of a smaller weight may a slightly thicker skin, may be more prone to charge, and may fight lions daily, but penetration is penetration.
next up, more of your inconsistency. where you go saying you think the .338 win mag is suitable for cape buff, and now you're saying the .45/70 isn't adequate.