Author Topic: Uses for Hogs on the fur {and Hog} trapline  (Read 360 times)

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Offline Jacktheknife

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Uses for Hogs on the fur {and Hog} trapline
« on: January 09, 2004, 09:29:37 PM »
Hey Ya'll,   I'm an old played out hunter and trapper, recovering from being actually murdered, it just didn't take as I was too tough.             Hog have for the first time started moving up my creek and are literally taking over.  Hmmm, Hog at 50. a pound,            $60.-80. each!  are looking pretty good.  I have not been doing that well on my fur line as so far I am too weak to walk very far every day like I used to.           20% of my old line is the best I can do now.  I was trying to think of a way to use the Hog not only as a new source of funds, selling them whole for food. But the scrap as bait for the trapline, the female Hog in heat urine and gland scents as a great attractors for my live trap in the front pasture, next year.
And anything marketable from the hog at all, photos and storys? skulls, scents?  Anything usable on the hog line, the fur trapline, the pork market,   or even as I make knives too, ways to help me promote and sell more knives, {need a knife?} the photos and storys would help here. {need a hog} See! I am thinking and trying, and doing a little better every year,    I can always eat them myself and wild Hog is the best meat there is!        A cow died down on the creek and the coyotes have been partying evey night, my kind of party and my kind of music too!  and like the cow a hog is a lot of bait! Even the leavings are a real attention getter!
            Boys lets figure out how to use these Hog profitably. Lets kill some Hog and make some money too.
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Offline Jacktheknife

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Uses for Hogs on the fur {and Hog} trapline
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2004, 08:34:10 AM »
This is me again,  I forgot to mention that I have had on my den wall for over 20 years, a Hog nose... a piney woods rooters.                                  A friend, a long time ago, got a new router and proceeded to take a board 6x8, scoop out a place and smoothed the sides, and with clear shellac  stuck a nose to the board. It has been on my wall all these years, every body who comes in my den stares at it. What is that? Un naris de el Cerado I say.  
 No one has ever seen one around here before. It is a real conversation piece and as I never eat the nose anyway, I think I will put them all up that way fom now on.        A new use for a dead Hog!                                  Need a mounted Hog nose?
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