I bought the Ultra Slug Hunter in a 20 guage and didn't realize it was the "Compact (Youth)" model till I got home with it. I was just so thrilled to get a new in box slug gun for $180 that I simply did all the paperwork without even shouldering this one....yep, that's correct.
It didn't say anything on the shelf tag at Gander and I wanted to close the deal before they decided not to honor it - it was price matching at a $100 savings.
So I get home and after shouldering it I discover its smaller. Not a big issue as to mounting to shoulder as I simply put a slip-on pad that adds another inch or so.
However, the barrel is 2" shorter and I have to wonder if anyone has had experience with this model and its accuracy at 150+ yards?
Since I can't exchange it and have already got a regular size stock and forearm on order my next issue is a scope and rings.
At first I was going to go with a Nikon Pro Staff 3x9-40 but exchanged that for a Nikon Slughunter 3x9-40. Did I choose wisely on the scope or should I exchange that one too???
Also, as I am ignorant when it comes to rings and there are limited stores around I would love to hear what rings you experts suggest??
I normally wear bifoculx but when I hunt I use a pair of single vision lenses