That story show why i don't live around the N word people. I am black and i like all gods people but i can't stand N words no matter what colors you are.
Boondocks episode
Return of the King. Martin Luther King Jr.: Will you ignorant nig(((( PLEASE shut the hell UP? Is this it? THIS is what I got all those ass-whoopings for? I had a dream once but it was a dream that little black girls and black boys would one day drink from the river of prosperity freed from the thirst of oppression. But lo and behold, some four decades later, what have I found, but a bunch of trifling, shiftless, good for nothing ni&*&&s! And I know some of you don't want to hear me say that word! It's the ugliest word in the English language! But that's what I see now! NI!!!!! And you don't want to be a
nig@@@r! Because ni&&&&s are living contradictions! Nig!!!!s are full of unfulfilled ambitions! Ni!!!!s wax and wane!
Ni@@@s love to complain! Nig****s love to hear themselves talk but hate to explain! Ni!!!s love being another man's judge and jury! Nig!!!!! procrastinate until it's time to worry! Nig!!! LOVE to be late! Nig!!!! HATE to hurry! Black Entertainment Television is the WORST thing I've ever seen in my life! Usher, Michael Jackson is not a genre of music! And don't get me started on Soul Plane! I've seen what's around the corner! I've seen what's over the horizon! And I PROMISE you, you niggers have nothing to celebrate! I know I won't get there with you, because I'm going to Canada!
also N words get mad over anything no matter how small and will kill you for it.