My wife downloaded and read the whole 1,000 + page health care bill. There are "death panels". Not called that, but if an old person needs a medical procedure that is very expensive and a 40 year old needs the same, such as a transplant, chemotherapy, etc. A panel of government bureaurocrats will determine who gets what treatment first, even if you were waiting longer. More people on health care, same number or fewer doctors, means rationing. No way out of it. Insurance companies need to compete for your service, go across state lines, and malpractice lawsuits need to be $1 millon max or more to be determined by law. My doctor told me his malpractice insurance is $2,300 a MONTH. He has to see enough patients to cover his salary, his nurses, staff, rent and utilities. He said if the lawsuits were limited to $1,000,000 his insurance would drop to about half or more. He could charge less for services. Also when you put these 85 million Americans on insurance or government insurance, it will flood the market, there will be long waits and less service.