Hey, flmason:
I've been thinking about you, since your other discussion on the Survival forum. How are you doing and what's happened with you? You've been in our prayers at my church.
The smoothbore single-barrel shotgun has accounted for a lot of game for uncountable numbers of families, including mine when I was a kid. Stick with commercial slugs rather than homemade. Look for discussions on GBO regarding "cut shell" substitutes for slugs...that's pretty interesting and useful.
I like the 20-gauge in a single, rather than the 12, due to shoulder problems.
Well, the clouds haven't cleared yet. Still looking for work that pays enough to keep a roof over my head. While I have a little savings, decided to purchase this gun. But probably a mistake. Perhaps, should've stuck to getting a .22, since cost per round is so much lower. Easier to carry etc. 2000 .22's is light and would last a long long time. Same money in 20 ga... not so good.
Was thinking a Rossi Trifecta (.22/20 ga/.243) and someday down the road a .357 or .44 revolver should be all the gun I'd need for the rest of my life. The Rossi would cover all game, and revolver anything dangerous like other people and bears. And besides, I'm good out to 100 with a .44. First gun I bought when I was old enough was a Super Blackhawk in stainless. So magnum handguns are an old friend. Was thinking eventually a Redhawk. Double action and speedloading being the selling points there. But handgun is out of budget at present.
With the Rossi, kept reading that the .243 barrel is a problem. Only one I could find in 100 miles was a nickel plated one and it was a little out of budget. Since I'm running out of time, haven't wanted to try ordering a gun I can't check over. So sprang for this NEF 20 ga. and impulsively picked up a Nagant, which is nutz for my purposes at present, but am hoping things turnaround last minute. (Write it off to stress. Always liked old military arms.)
If they don't, and the moment comes where I really pack up and move into the car, am considering getting a .22 handgun of some sort, and the 20 ga. will cover for most other purposes. So at present sitting on Nagant + 20 rounds, NEF + box of birdshot and box of slugs.
So having some buyers remorse as perhaps correct path would've been say a 10/22 with scope and the NEF 20 ga. since most handguns NIB are way out of line for me pricewise. The Ruger Single 10 for example, was $500+ in stainless at Cabelas.
Had an interview across the country. Is a long shot, but if it comes through, might make it. But getting over there, relo costs, making it through the first month will be touch and go. Got my fingers crossed.
In any event, thanks for the prayers at your congregation.
If all goes well, won't have to make any use of this hardware, I'll go through a really trying relo, and when I get time, maybe sit down and create some reloading tools for the 20 ga. Been dieing to make a homegrown reloading kit.
I noticed the cut shell posts. Seems interesting. Never thought of that. The possible pressure issues scare me. And losing a perfectly reloadable shell! Argh! (Died in the wool reloader here.)
In any event, picking a guns from what's on the shelf and trying to cover all the bases in a declining financial situation is massively stressful to say the least. You end up running scenarios over and over and coming to the same conclusions... a reasonably priced "do it all" ain't out there.