The Constitution is a federal guarantee of rights. he said he would leave it to the states to decide.
I can't for the life of me figure out how the federal government could guarantee anything, let alone your rights. In the case of abortion, they did the opposite did they not? not to give anything too important to the feds. I also do not think the constitution guarantees anything at's up to you to enforce your rights, and as we have seen in the past, it may very well cost more blood to keep your rights.
The federal government did not guarantee that the people of Washington D.C. or Chicago or other places could have guns did they? Nope...some states did that though. Your better off with the states having power, and let the liberal states do whatever. No president has the power to change your federal laws or constitution...and even if they did, the next one could change it. Then where are you?
Ron Paul does not have the power to change the abortion laws at the fed president does, and it was not a president who put that in place either.
I also do not like abortion, but I don't feel it's the fed governments business, they have a few things that are their business, and can't handle those well. Let the states outlaw abortion, some will, some won't, it's the best you'll get without federal intervention which is always a failure and a huge money sucking deal, hell...your paying for abortions now because the feds got their hands on it.
Ron Paul is pro life...he is also anti large government and does not think it works out well to give the feds too much power....this is as good as you'll get and a million times better than what you got. Currently our federal government is financing abortions in other countries with your money. This is because we gave them too much power. Not because XXX was or was not...president.