Possum, I think you have a different problem. I think your 17xxx frame has the old - and I mean OLD, read original - style trigger guard, the one with no trigger stop screw in the back. If that is true, then your frame will only accept barrels with flat bottoms below the locking lug. I'll bet your 30-30 barrel has a stepped lug bottom and that those octagon barrels have flat bottoms. If that's the case, you need to send your frame in to Fox Ridge for the "easy open" conversion. This updates the trigger frame pivot point and makes it easier to open, but, more importantly, you get the new style trigger frame which allows stepped bottom barrels to be used. I could be wrong about all this, but I have a 14xxx frame and earlier ones that won't take stepped barrels and a 42xxx frame with the newer, not newest, style trigger guard that does accept them just fine. I think this is your problem.