I somewhat dissagree. Corporate taxes are set at about 30-35%. They get tax breaks for offering medical insurance, 401-k plans, pension plans, and charity work. That may be why some don't pay taxes. However, if we don't tax manufacturing, maybe some of the American owned or even some foreign owned companies will come back or deside to locate here. I also think we need to have a tarriff IF we find countries like China are subsidising an industry to put the American competitor out of business or get them to locate in China. If we can get manufacturing back, it will be a bold step to putting Americans back to work, even if only half the companies come back it would drop the unemployment by 1-3% or more. Add that to opening up drilling and fracking, onshore and offshore, then we lower it another 1-2%. We can start to get back in business of growing the economy so the "pie" will be bigger for all.