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Offline marine

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Gun printing
« on: October 25, 2011, 12:43:36 PM »
  I have a ccw and understand that all it really does is to allow an individual to cover a pistol rather than having to open carry.  I have the option of both in Ohio.  I read alot of talking about having your gun print and the pile of cash that some people spend on holsters to make their weapon totally invisible.  If there is a bit of a bulge on your side from a gun then i say so be it.  Im really just trying to understand the thinking behind making a gun totally invisible.  In reality most of us regardless of a slight buldge from a gun, will really be the only ones that know if its truely a pistol under our clothing.  Its not as though someone will call the police because they think its a gun.  it has to become visible in some states to become illegal.  Just a thought that has been bugging me for a while and wanted to share and gather some differant views and opinions.

Offline spruce

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Re: Gun printing
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2011, 01:24:29 PM »
CCW laws vary a great deal from state to state and judging from posts I've read on here you would be in violation in some states if your gun printed.  Here in Michigan that's not a concern, but I still prefer not to have my gun print when I'm carrying concealed.
First of all, don't ever underestimate what may provoke a "concerned citizen" into calling the police!
Secondly, you just never know how street savvy the person(s) is/are that represents a possible encounter.  If he makes his living on the street he will know exactly what that bulge is and he will probably either choose to pass you up for an easier score or just go ahead and take you out if he thinks you're not alert.
Myself, I'd rather not have anyone know I'm carrying, leaving me the option of when, or if, to make it known I'm armed.

Offline Spirithawk

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Re: Gun printing
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2011, 03:20:34 PM »
CCW laws vary a great deal from state to state and judging from posts I've read on here you would be in violation in some states if your gun printed.  Here in Michigan that's not a concern, but I still prefer not to have my gun print when I'm carrying concealed.
First of all, don't ever underestimate what may provoke a "concerned citizen" into calling the police!
Secondly, you just never know how street savvy the person(s) is/are that represents a possible encounter.  If he makes his living on the street he will know exactly what that bulge is and he will probably either choose to pass you up for an easier score or just go ahead and take you out if he thinks you're not alert.
Myself, I'd rather not have anyone know I'm carrying, leaving me the option of when, or if, to make it known I'm armed.

I couldn't agree more. The way it was put to me was that concealed means just that....concealed! However, with the wide assortment of knives, phones and countless other things folks wear on their belts these days, I don't concider a simple bulge as printing. I concider printing as to be the showing of the distinct outline of your firearm. The only think I'll add is that, yes some folks spend a bunch of money on holsters, just as some spend a fortune on there choice of gun, but you need not to to have a decent holster. I have a leather universal holster, $20, a molded leather Bulldog holster $16, a pocket holster $12, and the most expensive is a Fobus Evolution II Tac Holster, $30. All made to do the job of concealing your weapon and all do quite well at their job. And that's just a few holsters out there in those price ranges that work very well. I own a few diferant holsters because I carry more than one firearm. Check out the thread, " Kel Tec PF-9 Holster" in the Kel Tec Forum and you can see a few of the holsters I'm talking about. Also, the pocket holster thread here.

Offline marine

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Re: Gun printing
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2011, 07:14:16 AM »
  I agree that in order to print it should be the outline of the gun and mine doesnt show like that.  It is a slight buldge depending on my clothing.  I have a glock 26 in a Galco classic lite shoulder holster.  I normally wear zip up hooded sweatshirts in the fall and they arent very thick in comparison to a coat where nobody would ever know.  I tried IWB carry and it just didnt suit my style.  I do like a belt holster though.  Spirithawk i like the holster assortment that you have and wouldnt mind trying out some that are like the ones you have, they are much more down to earth than some i see on other forums.  I just hate the thought of spending money on holsters like milt sparks makes.  They are a little out of my price range, im not at all saying that they are a bad holster i just couldnt justify it and wouldnt. Im more into things that are useful and not a work of art nobody will ever see anyway. 
  I did check into ohio law last night and some of the other states as well.  It does seem that there are differant meanings to concealed depending on the states.  i guess im just lucky to be in ohio where its not a big deal if it is noticed.  Other states i dont think i could relax because i would be afraid of printing and being caught by someone who is a nervous wreck and calls the sheriff on me.  I suppose i wouldnt want that kind of attention in a public place.

Offline spruce

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Re: Gun printing
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2011, 02:07:54 PM »
One thing you might try is wearing the holster between your belt and pants.  You'll have to experiment, but some holsters work quite well carried this way.
The advantages are it holds the gun nice and tight to your body, but because the gun is on the outside of your pants you can still wear your normal size and be comfortable.

Offline Spirithawk

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Re: Gun printing
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2011, 02:28:23 PM »
One thing you might try is wearing the holster between your belt and pants.  You'll have to experiment, but some holsters work quite well carried this way.
The advantages are it holds the gun nice and tight to your body, but because the gun is on the outside of your pants you can still wear your normal size and be comfortable.

That's how I often carry. With the belt to the outside of the holster, as you stated, it pulls the holstered firearm tight to your body and it realy helps conceal it much easier. That's actualy my prefered way to carry and many holsters are designed for just such a method of carry.

Offline marine

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Re: Gun printing
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2011, 04:38:03 AM »
 I really like that idea.  I never even thought about that being an option for carrying.  This i am gonna have to try.  Thanks for that advice.

Offline John R.

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Re: Gun printing
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2011, 05:08:36 AM »
Check out a Crossbreed Supertuck. It's the most comfortable IWB I have tried.

Offline marine

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Re: Gun printing
« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2011, 03:57:21 AM »
John R I am really considering one of those since kydex doesnt add much if any thickness to a gun and shouldn't bug me as bad as a thicker leather holster tucked into my waistband.  I dont mind mexican carry and do that once in a while if im just running out of the house really quick and dont feel like messing with a holster.  those keep a gun really close in to the body from the videos i have seen about them. im just nervous im gonna have to buy all new jeans to pull it off.

Offline Spirithawk

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Re: Gun printing
« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2011, 04:04:34 AM »
John R I am really considering one of those since kydex doesnt add much if any thickness to a gun and shouldn't bug me as bad as a thicker leather holster tucked into my waistband.  I dont mind mexican carry and do that once in a while if im just running out of the house really quick and dont feel like messing with a holster.  those keep a gun really close in to the body from the videos i have seen about them. im just nervous im gonna have to buy all new jeans to pull it off.

That is what is nice about the holsters that fit with the belt to the outside. The holster is between your belt and your waistband. Thus they work with any pants and are just as tight to the body as if inside the waistband, only diferance being the slight thickness of your waistband. Only thing you might need is a slightly larger belt. :)


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Re: Gun printing
« Reply #10 on: October 28, 2011, 07:24:18 AM »
In Va. if it prints it can be taken away. Also in many places open carry is ok but in cities of 100000 people or more it is not unless job related and approved. In many places during hunting season loaded guns cannot be carried on roads while in some places they can. If you get a permit to carry concealed it supersedes all local laws and you can carry anywhere. As an example having a loaded gun in Chesapeke Va. is not legal. To transport it must be in a case or such. With a ccp you are ok.
I think the idea in many states was to over ride the local laws that varied so much.
As for printing , anyone trained in watching for such will notice. If a criminal sees it they might try to take it or take you out first if they feel a threat.
I would advise anyone who carries to leave their ego at home .
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline Spirithawk

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Re: Gun printing
« Reply #11 on: October 28, 2011, 07:54:45 AM »
In Va. if it prints it can be taken away. Also in many places open carry is ok but in cities of 100000 people or more it is not unless job related and approved. In many places during hunting season loaded guns cannot be carried on roads while in some places they can. If you get a permit to carry concealed it supersedes all local laws and you can carry anywhere. As an example having a loaded gun in Chesapeke Va. is not legal. To transport it must be in a case or such. With a ccp you are ok.
I think the idea in many states was to over ride the local laws that varied so much.
As for printing , anyone trained in watching for such will notice. If a criminal sees it they might try to take it or take you out first if they feel a threat.
I would advise anyone who carries to leave their ego at home .

Yep. I agree. Plus, unless you know the laws for every county, city, and township you travel through, open carry can get you in trouble quick.

Offline Old Syko

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Re: Gun printing
« Reply #12 on: October 28, 2011, 10:30:40 AM »
Funny story about printing.  Many years ago a friend had colon cancer and endured some awful operations, one of which left him with a colostomy bag.  Upon entering a local meeting one night that had strict restrictions about carrying he was confronted over the bulge and accused of packing.  Imagine the shock when he partially disrobed if front of all to reveal the truth.  The yahoos at the door were so embarrassed the policy changed almost immediately.  That was almost 40 years ago and I still miss him but he had a ball and laughed about it until the end.

Here in Indiana, as long as you have a license to carry or a permit from some other state even, it's pretty much up to you how you carry but it just makes no sense to advertise in most cases.  Of course in my immediate area not only do most folks not care if you carry or not, they kind of assume everyone does.  It's only when I'm away from home I pay special attention.  I still think if a man is comfortable carrying it goes as far or farther than how he covers it up.     

Offline Rich Cronk

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Re: Gun printing
« Reply #13 on: November 03, 2011, 05:19:28 AM »
Here in Iowa, the "gun printing" would not be a problem under the law if you have a CCW, but I am the type that doesn't like people to see that bulge, or "print". I have used an inside the pants holster for many years. I used to carry my 1911 that way with no problem. Today I carry a Beretta "Cougar" in .45 ACP. The Cougar is smaller and a bit lighter than the 1911 was.

Offline marine

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Re: Gun printing
« Reply #14 on: November 04, 2011, 11:00:29 AM »
  I am not trying to come off as cocky in any way nor am i saying that i want people to know I am carrying a gun.  I notice it under my clothing because i put it there.  I was helping my dad with his car the other day and he never even spotted it.  I took my jacket off and that is the only way he knew,  because it was then out in the open.  I know here it isnt a problem even if someone spotted it.   
  The point of my original post was to see what others opinions are on the subject and i feel i came across the wrong way and this wasnt my intention at all.  I am just trying to see how its handled in other states as far as regulations are concerned.  I see that there is alot of differances out there.

Offline johnnyb

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Re: Gun printing
« Reply #15 on: November 06, 2011, 09:17:52 AM »
+ 1 on the Super Tuck holster, I have one for all of my carry pistols and I "Don't leave home without it."