However horrible the war was, and even considering the deaths of so many good men, times are worse now, IMO. I don't know of a single white community I would not enter, but the nation has lots and lots of black communites I'd not dare go into without a police escort. Why is that?
And why is it that only white people can be racist? Hispanics and blacks are never racist. No matter what kind of offense they committ on white people, it's simply illegal, but a white person doing the same thing to a black is a racist.
Sounds like I'm a racist, right? I'm really not. I have no enemies that I know of. I'm just saying that it's now politically correct to ignore reality. Why is it that all of the U.S. prisons are way more that 50% non-white? Why is it that no black government has ever succeeded? Just plain facts. But we are not to say such things. We can use every kind of offensive term that the vilest of the vile use, we can use such words in public and on tv, but lordy, lordy, don't ever say "nigger." I'll stand up with anyone and condemn that word, it serves no purpose other than to offend and inflame. But any other word or phrase that offends is okay. Example: I am untterly disgusted when some says, "Oh, my God." It makes me sick, as well as do all the other terms humanity has come up with to offend Christians. But it is so readily accepted. We hear it everyday. Facts are facts. We chose to ignore facts because we are cowards. As a people, we are afraid of being labeled. I don't say nigger or spick or Jap or any other derogatory words. Never have, never will. Typing such things is bad enough, but my point is made clearer, perhaps. I have no animosity toward any human, but I despise how we have become so goody goody that we can't see through our imagined righteousness to see facts.