Author Topic: Finally tried out the 30-30 Leverevolution ammo in my 336...  (Read 3767 times)

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Offline yellowtail3

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Finally tried out the 30-30 Leverevolution ammo in my 336...
« on: October 31, 2011, 03:10:43 PM »
For a long while I've been thinking about trying those Hornady rubber-tipped 30-30 rounds. Haven't needed them, really; Fed 150s seem to work okay, I'm rarely shooting past 100 yards (rarely past fifty or so). I've held off going to them for... what, four years? ... and finally decided to give 'em a try. But Dick's had them on sale for 17.98/box, so I bought two boxes and went to a friend's club today and zero'd my 336 with them. Point of aim wasn't that much diff than 150 federals, to my surprise... checked them at fifty, then shot two shots at one hundred. Both landed right in the x ring, barely an inch apart. Now, I know that many would say two shots doesn't count as a real group, and I'd liked it to be a couple inches high at 100, but I stopped right there, figuring if I started diddling with I just might screw it up... it is fine as is! Besides, it was starting to rain....

Of for a three day hunt in eastern NC tomorrow. Hopefully, I'll be able to report back on how well they work on deer.
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Re: Finally tried out the 30-30 Leverevolution ammo in my 336...
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2011, 05:39:16 PM »
I wouldn't mess with that either. A deer any where in range should be food.

Offline tacklebury

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Re: Finally tried out the 30-30 Leverevolution ammo in my 336...
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2011, 03:48:37 PM »
Sounds like a good combo for you.  ;)  They were exceptionally accurate in my .45-70 also with several 100 yard cloverleaves.  I did see some propensity for explosiveness at the levels I was puttin' em downrange though.  I've gone to a 350 FP to take the .45-70 abuse hehe.  ;)
Tacklebury --}>>>>>    Multi-Barrel: .223 Superlite, 7mm-08 22", .30-40 Krag M158, .357 Maximum 16-1/4 HB, .45 Colt, .45-70 22" irons, 32" .45-70 Peeps, 12 Ga. 3-1/2 w/ Chokes, .410 Smooth slugger, .45 Cal Muzzy, .50 Cal Muzzy, .58 Cal Muzzy

also classics: M903 9-shot Target .22 Revolver, 1926 .410 Single, 1915 38 S&W Break top Revolver and 7-shot H&R Trapper .22 6" bbl.

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Re: Finally tried out the 30-30 Leverevolution ammo in my 336...
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2011, 04:01:36 PM »
I shot one with the 160 grain lever evolutions a couple years back, had to shoot it twice and both bullets blew apart, one in the shoulder which could be expected but the second one only hit a rib on the way in and blew apart. The ranges were fairly close so at a little further away and a little better marksmanship they may have worked fine. I was dissapointed with the groupings from my 336 with this ammo as well, I have heard so many good reports from people about this ammo being very accurate in their rifles, unfortunately the best groups at 100 yards was 4" versus 2'' for the cheap federal and remington 150s.

Every deer ive ever shot with the cheap  federals, remingtons and winchesters has been a complete passthrough and none required a follow up shot to kill the deer.

Not trying to be negative just giving my only experiance with these bullets on deer.

Offline yellowtail3

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Re: Finally tried out the 30-30 Leverevolution ammo in my 336...
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2011, 09:34:20 AM »
Finally shot something other than paper with the Hornadys, they're fine. Thanksgiving morning, in the tree at first light... I'm ignoring all the noise the squirrels have been making, but finally look thataway in time to see a buck about 75 yards out, on the move. Can't get shot, too thick... he disappeared... then a few minutes reappeared... took shot at what later paced off roughly as 120 yards... deer vanishes. Didn't see him fall, or run off, just.... gone. I thought maybe I'd missed... figured I'd just stay in the tree, something else might happen by. But after a few more minutes thinking about it... I had a good sight picture... I couldn't stand it, so took a compass bearing and followed it, and there he was. Didn't travel at all that I could tell; blood everywhere around him.
Thanksgiving as it should be; only thing better would have been to see daughters in the morning. I'll see them tonight...
Jesus said we should treat other as we'd want to be treated... and he didn't qualify that by their party affiliation, race, or even if they're of diff religion.

Offline tacklebury

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Re: Finally tried out the 30-30 Leverevolution ammo in my 336...
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2011, 01:52:58 PM »
Congrats man, looks like they worked acceptably for your needs.  ;)
Tacklebury --}>>>>>    Multi-Barrel: .223 Superlite, 7mm-08 22", .30-40 Krag M158, .357 Maximum 16-1/4 HB, .45 Colt, .45-70 22" irons, 32" .45-70 Peeps, 12 Ga. 3-1/2 w/ Chokes, .410 Smooth slugger, .45 Cal Muzzy, .50 Cal Muzzy, .58 Cal Muzzy

also classics: M903 9-shot Target .22 Revolver, 1926 .410 Single, 1915 38 S&W Break top Revolver and 7-shot H&R Trapper .22 6" bbl.

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Re: Finally tried out the 30-30 Leverevolution ammo in my 336...
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2011, 02:06:42 PM »
I tried them a couple years back in my old Win 94. Found they had a hard kick and didn't shoot any better than my white box 150 grains. I hunt in heavy brush and the majority of my shots are around 50 yards.

Offline Siskiyou

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Re: Finally tried out the 30-30 Leverevolution ammo in my 336...
« Reply #7 on: November 25, 2011, 07:36:59 AM »

Have to admit that I jumped for the 30-30 LEVERevolution loads.   One of our members posted a good picture of a nice buck he took with the load, and the recovered bullet.

The LEVERevolution does not shoot as tight as my 150-grain Hornady RN handload does, nor the 150-grain Remington C-L but still tight enough that I feel I and be effective out to 200 yards.  The 160-grain Hornady shoots close to a 1 inch group from the bench, while the 150 grain Hornady handload shoot a ¾ inch group from the bench. 

I have loaded the 30-30 for many years but when it comes to deer hunting I have always carried factory ammunition.  Seems like I could find 30-30 on sale during the year.  Remington 150-grain CL has been my primary choice.  I should note that the 30-30 is not my primary hunting rifle.

I have factory Remington, Winchester, Federal, and six boxes of Hornady 160-grain LEVERevolution ammunition on hand.  I have tendency to buy when the price is low.  With that ammunition on hand should I the 30-30 deer hunting it will be load with the red tip, 160-grain bullet.

I have not taken a deer with the 160-grain Hornady, the 30-30 is a back or a what if rifle for me.  It made the hunting trip but never made it out of the case this year.  I let a friend fire the Marlin this summer and she loved it. About 60 rounds of handloads went down range this summer from the rifle. When shooting the LEVERevolution ammunition the bark is louder, and the recoil is a little stiffer.  No doubt about it, if those are indicators the rifle is stepped up a couple notches.   
There is a learning process to effectively using a gps.  Do not throw your compass and map away!

Boycott: San Francisco, L.A., Oakland, and City of Sacramento, CA.

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Re: Finally tried out the 30-30 Leverevolution ammo in my 336...
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2011, 02:42:20 AM »
I think the real advantage using the Lever-E ammo is .......distance.   J s/n. 
" The best part of the hunt is not the harvest but in the experience."

Offline yellowtail3

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Re: Finally tried out the 30-30 Leverevolution ammo in my 336...
« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2011, 07:43:06 AM »
Shot 9pt last night with the pointy Hornadys. The bullets were fine, even if my shooting was mediocre.
Been a slow year; lots of time to hunt, not seeing much... a small doe and a spike is all I've put in freezer since EARLY OCTOBER. Deer numbers seem way down... shot a coyote chasing a doe, that was best day in the woods until last night.

High up in my climber near hilltop, mature oaks with lots of samplings. Deer ambles in around 5pm... LOTS OF HEADGEAR! - watched him until he got to closest point, maybe fifty yards or so... BOOM - deer takes off. A minute of panic - as I'd hurried to get into woods I'd left my light in the car, don't know this area well and it's getting dim - I tossed off two more shots as he ran away. He didn't fall. Came down from the tree, walked thataway... found him STANDING UP, clearly hurt, broke leg - snapped up rifle and fired again, this hit a little far aft... deer goes down. At that point I'm empty, having only put four in the tube and he's still alive, wants to get up but can't make it. Did I mention that in my hurry I'd also left knife, gloves, and drag in car? Just then I realized I had a couple more rounds in pocket... loaded up as he expired.

Turns out first shot broke leg, made very big entrance/exit at brisket, barely got bottom of lungs. I apparently hit him once running away - entered low behind ribs, no exit. The big hole in photos is finisher. The pointed Hornadys in my Marlin were fine, but this is 2nd time I've hit a deer a little too low this year, even though both were recovered. Got to work on that... .

Jesus said we should treat other as we'd want to be treated... and he didn't qualify that by their party affiliation, race, or even if they're of diff religion.

Offline tacklebury

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Re: Finally tried out the 30-30 Leverevolution ammo in my 336...
« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2011, 03:59:20 PM »
Congrats, way to stay after him to a good conclusion too.  ;)
Tacklebury --}>>>>>    Multi-Barrel: .223 Superlite, 7mm-08 22", .30-40 Krag M158, .357 Maximum 16-1/4 HB, .45 Colt, .45-70 22" irons, 32" .45-70 Peeps, 12 Ga. 3-1/2 w/ Chokes, .410 Smooth slugger, .45 Cal Muzzy, .50 Cal Muzzy, .58 Cal Muzzy

also classics: M903 9-shot Target .22 Revolver, 1926 .410 Single, 1915 38 S&W Break top Revolver and 7-shot H&R Trapper .22 6" bbl.

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Re: Finally tried out the 30-30 Leverevolution ammo in my 336...
« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2011, 04:55:03 PM »
Nice deer!
Molon Labe, (King Leonidas of the Spartan Army)

Offline Siskiyou

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Re: Finally tried out the 30-30 Leverevolution ammo in my 336...
« Reply #12 on: December 16, 2011, 06:41:21 AM »
Nice buck, did you recover any bullets.  It would be interesting to see pictures of any recovered bullets.
There is a learning process to effectively using a gps.  Do not throw your compass and map away!

Boycott: San Francisco, L.A., Oakland, and City of Sacramento, CA.

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Re: Finally tried out the 30-30 Leverevolution ammo in my 336...
« Reply #13 on: December 16, 2011, 10:06:13 AM »
                                                                  :-X ::)
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Offline yellowtail3

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Re: Finally tried out the 30-30 Leverevolution ammo in my 336...
« Reply #14 on: December 16, 2011, 05:43:11 PM »
Nice buck, did you recover any bullets.  It would be interesting to see pictures of any recovered bullets.

No bullets. Two passed through, and the shot while he was running off hit waaaay back and ended somewhere in the chest (?) and I didn't dig through that mess.
Jesus said we should treat other as we'd want to be treated... and he didn't qualify that by their party affiliation, race, or even if they're of diff religion.

Offline Siskiyou

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Re: Finally tried out the 30-30 Leverevolution ammo in my 336...
« Reply #15 on: April 26, 2012, 05:13:30 AM »
Thanks for the reply.  I think they are a good bullet.  One of these days I need to get the Chrony out and see what my 20 inch Marlin barrel is generating in the velocity world.  Published velocities are with a 24-inch barrel.
I am all infavor of bullets exiting.  Nice to recover one once and a while but low on the priority list.
There is a learning process to effectively using a gps.  Do not throw your compass and map away!

Boycott: San Francisco, L.A., Oakland, and City of Sacramento, CA.

Offline sphar

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Re: Finally tried out the 30-30 Leverevolution ammo in my 336...
« Reply #16 on: June 06, 2012, 03:47:10 PM »
I think the real advantage using the Lever-E ammo is .......distance.   J s/n.
Exactly!  They really do make my .35 Marlin a 200 yard gun (at the range). 
Now if I can just become a 200 yard shooter (in the field)!