What was "liberal" in 1775 bears no resemblance to today's liberals. Shucks! What was liberal in 1955 bears no resemblance to today's liberals.. JFK was the last vestige of liberals with any common sense, and then, only a vestige..
Let's look at the "Liberals" of 1775..our nation's founders.
Can we see ?....
1) Patrick Henry.. loafing on welfare ?
2) Gen Daniel Morgan..trying to recruit queers into "Morgan's Rifles" ?
3) James Madison ...trying to keep the Bible out of congress ?
4) Benjamin Franklin.. Telling a seated president to circumvent the constitution with "executive orders" ?
5) John Adams..Joining ACLU in removing flags & crosses from public grounds ?
6) Alexander Hamilton....Telling a seated president to "spend his way to prosperity" ?
7) Gen Ethan Allen.. Telling his troops they must allow the enemy to shoot first ? (new rules of engagement)
Gen Francis Marion... telling his troops to be "sensitive" to the needs of Tarleton ?
9) Gen Anthony Wayne..courts-marshalling his troops as being "sexist" for whistling at the girls ?
10) Chief Justice John Marshall..ruling the 10 commandments be removed from all government facilities ?
Can we picture ?...
A) Instead of punishing the Barbary pirates, Thos Jefferson chooses to 'kiss the hand' of the Imam of Tripoli !
B) Roger Williams...Not allowing prayer in Rhode Island schools !
C) Abigail Rice and Christina Hech (RevWar nurses) teaching sex-ed to 5th graders with a cucumber.
D) Pastor Muhlenberg..Instead of rising to encourage enlistment in the continental Army; rises to embrace abortion !
E) Paul Revere..rides to announce a new food stamp program !
F) George Washington..saying that keeping and bearing arms..is no right !
G) Betsy Ross...at a demonstration..BURNING A FLAG !
So, are the founding fathers closer to liberals or conservatives ? Where were the counterparts of today's liberals ?
In hell, perhaps ?