Author Topic: 30 large companies paid NO income taxes 2008-2010.  (Read 490 times)

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Offline powderman

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30 large companies paid NO income taxes 2008-2010.
« on: November 03, 2011, 02:45:15 AM »
  Thirty companies paid no income tax 2008-2010: reportReutersBy Kevin Drawbaugh | Reuters – Pepco Holdings, a Washington, D.C.-area power company, had the lowest effective tax rate, at negative 57.6 percent, among the 280 Fortune 500 companies studied.     The statutory U.S. corporate income tax rate is 35 percent, one of the highest in the world, but over the 2008-2010 period, very few of the companies studied paid it, said the report.
The average effective tax rate for the companies over the period was 18.5 percent, said Citizens for Tax Justice and the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, both think tanks.
Their report also listed General Electric Co, Paccar Inc, PG&E Corp, Computer Sciences Corp and NiSource Inc as among the 30 that paid no taxes. All 280 corporations examined were profitable over the period.
Corporations will say rightly that the loopholes that let them slash their taxes were perfectly legal, the report said.
"But that does not mean that low-tax corporations bear no responsibility ... The laws were not enacted in a vacuum; they were adopted in response to relentless corporate lobbying, threats and campaign support," the report said.
As Congress and the Obama administration struggle with a sluggish economy and high deficits, corporations are pressing Capitol Hill for more tax breaks, including one that would let them bring home overseas profits at a reduced tax rate.
The congressional "super committee" tasked with finding at least $1.2 trillion in additional budget savings by November 23 is so far deadlocked across a familiar divide -- Republicans refusing any tax hikes, Democrats defending social programs.
On Tuesday, a panel of budget experts warned super committee members that they would fail the country if they do not meet their goal. Financial markets have been waiting for many months for signs that Washington can get its financial house in order, but few have been forthcoming.
The report referred back to the 1986 tax reform pushed through by President Ronald Reagan, a Republican, who approved the largest corporate tax increase in U.S. history, largely by ending tax breaks, while cutting individual tax rates.
"Reagan solved the problem by sweeping away corporate tax loopholes," said the report, which was co-authored by Citizens for Tax Justice chief Robert McIntyre. His research 25 years ago played a key role in convincing Reagan reform was needed.
The industrial machinery business enjoyed the lowest effective tax rate during the study period, while the highest rate was paid by healthcare companies, the report said.
What are the tax breaks that corporations enjoy? One big one is accelerated depreciation that lets them write off equipment faster than it actually wears out. Deductions on executive stock options help. So do tax breaks for research and development and for making products in the United States instead of overseas. Offshore tax shelters play a role, too.
The average effective corporate tax rate, as calculated by McIntyre's group, was about 14 percent before the Reagan reforms; afterward it shot up to 26.5 percent in 1988.
As companies found their way around the reforms, the effective rate fell back to about 17 percent by 2002-2003.
Unlike in Reagan's time, taming corporate tax breaks alone will not solve today's deficit problem. Such breaks cost the government about $102 billion in lost revenues in 2011, a year when the federal deficit was an estimated $1.3 trillion.
Corporate loopholes are dwarfed by tax breaks that benefit individuals, such as the mortgage interest tax deduction -- a middle class sacred cow -- on its own worth $104 billion.
Still, said the report, "If we are going to get our nation's fiscal house in order, increasing corporate income taxes should play an important role."
(Reporting by Kevin Drawbaugh; editing by Carol Bishopric) 
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Offline SwampThing762

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Re: 30 large companies paid NO income taxes 2008-2010.
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2011, 06:57:49 AM »
Ahhh yeah!! And this is news to you...?  If this bothers you, you need to haul butt down to Occupy Louisville and speak up.

Why not copy this article and pass it out at your local TP meeting... ;) ;D
Reagan raised corp tax and closed loop holes, and reduced personal income taxes....raised taxes 12 times, supported unions, medicare, and SS, wanted great infra structure not one GOPer would vote for this stuff, instead of promoting more corpo genuflecture....


As opposed to Pappy Obammy, who promotes union-o genuflecture and cowtowing to foreigners who have no respect for this great country.     If I have to choose, I am not going to follow a fool who wants to lower this country to third world status.
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Offline magooch

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Re: 30 large companies paid NO income taxes 2008-2010.
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2011, 09:04:28 AM »
The last thing in the world the Tea Party would do is associate themselves with the OWS, regardless of what the Demopublicans think.  What is a Demopublican?

Online ironglow

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Re: 30 large companies paid NO income taxes 2008-2010.
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2011, 09:10:29 AM »
OWS will solve nothing.  That's not their aim..their aim is to destroy the US as we knmow it.  Certainly the OWS and the T Parties have no "joint interests"..
   Many companies pay little or no taxes Obama's pal Immelt, and his corp.  Big oil is not near as bad as Obama and the Demoncrats like to pretend..
  Obama friendly corps get a better break than others..
     Corps leave the US expressedly because of the extremely heavy corporate taxes here.....
   Obama vows to raise the taxes on corporations...  Do we think for one second that if he does, corporations will  refrain from moving to a lower tax environment ?
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline DDZ

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Re: 30 large companies paid NO income taxes 2008-2010.
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2011, 09:33:12 AM »
I say so what. Only thirty companies out of how many? Something like thirty million in the US. Heck half the people in the country pay no income tax.
What difference would it make if these thirty companies did pay income tax? Our government would just shovel the money into some useless pit anyway, like all the stimulus money given to green companies to create jobs, then the companies fold up because nobody buys their products.
 I would rather have companies not paying taxes than have our government pissing it away. It certainly would benefit the economy better.     
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Offline DDZ

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Re: 30 large companies paid NO income taxes 2008-2010.
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2011, 12:31:40 PM »
Tm, Corporations don't leave for cheaper labor elsewhere. They leave because of high corporate tax rates, and mountains of regulations that government places on US business. Just about all manufacturing has left because manufacturing facilities have been regulated into oblivion. What we call manufacturing today is assembling parts made in other countries.
How does a corporation adjust the landscape accordingly, with all the bureaucratic red tape they have to wade through? Its unbelievable what someone has to go through to start a business let alone make a profit to keep it running in this country. Zoning laws, getting permits which can take months or years. Environmental studies which costs thousands for the start up company. That is even before approval by the local bureaucrats. If they do get approval, then they have have to face OSHA and the EPA with their 10,000 page bibles ready to heap more costs on the startup company before they even make a dime.
Really I don't know why a corporation would even try to stay in this country and do business anymore, let alone start one. Wages have nothing to do with companies leaving, or starting up in this country. It used to be a friendly environment for companies to do business in this country. Its what made us a great manufacturing country at one time, but not anymore since our government has imposed itself as the costly overseer of businesses.
Can't really figure out why so much animosity and hate are directed at US businesses anymore. Since they are what provide us with jobs, and products that we want and need. Its all their fault though because some think they don't pay our over bloated government more in taxes, so the over bloated government can heap more regulations on top regulations. 
Those people who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.    Wm. Penn

Offline hillbill

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Re: 30 large companies paid NO income taxes 2008-2010.
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2011, 02:00:51 PM »
Tm, Corporations don't leave for cheaper labor elsewhere. They leave because of high corporate tax rates, and mountains of regulations that government places on US business. Just about all manufacturing has left because manufacturing facilities have been regulated into oblivion. What we call manufacturing today is assembling parts made in other countries.
How does a corporation adjust the landscape accordingly, with all the bureaucratic red tape they have to wade through? Its unbelievable what someone has to go through to start a business let alone make a profit to keep it running in this country. Zoning laws, getting permits which can take months or years. Environmental studies which costs thousands for the start up company. That is even before approval by the local bureaucrats. If they do get approval, then they have have to face OSHA and the EPA with their 10,000 page bibles ready to heap more costs on the startup company before they even make a dime.
Really I don't know why a corporation would even try to stay in this country and do business anymore, let alone start one. Wages have nothing to do with companies leaving, or starting up in this country. It used to be a friendly environment for companies to do business in this country. Its what made us a great manufacturing country at one time, but not anymore since our government has imposed itself as the costly overseer of businesses.
Can't really figure out why so much animosity and hate are directed at US businesses anymore. Since they are what provide us with jobs, and products that we want and need. Its all their fault though because some think they don't pay our over bloated government more in taxes, so the over bloated government can heap more regulations on top regulations.

Offline Swampman

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Re: 30 large companies paid NO income taxes 2008-2010.
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2011, 02:13:13 PM »
Corporations don't leave for cheaper labor elsewhere........................... Wages have nothing to do with companies leaving, or starting up in this country.

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