AZ: It depends totally on the 'where and for how long' I might be out but usually it is anything from a 7.62 Tokarev, or a 38 Super, or a 45; if big game are around and the opportunity might present itself I would opt for a 357, 44 mag or 45. It all depends.
Daytime hikes scouting hunting trails or sites, or just being a stranger in a strange land I will opt for a big bore. Local situations where I frequent don't usually call for anything more than necessary for field mice to coyote and the first category suffices easily.
CW: C'mon buddy - look harder at that PMR30. Gun Tests Magazine just gave it a nice write-up, as have others, and to be honest, after all I have read and with the effectiveness of the 22 mag, and 30 shots, anna a extra magaazine well just b'tween you and me buddy, that is way too much fun waitin' to happen, and my palms sweat for one........ They are not allowed in my nanny state because of the magazine capacity, dang it.
So if you get one you absolutely gotta make the rest of us drool and let us know how cool it is.
AZ: On second thought, I could easily substitute a PMR30 in 22 mag for the first group I mentioned above.