I have carried several different handguns over the years when hiking/hunting. When I think back over the number of years, it has actually been quite a few and in a lot of different calibers.
I started out with a convertible.22/22Mag SA revolver and about 50-100 rounds of ammunition. Then I started carrying a S&W 1917 in .45AutoRim with a couple of speedloaders. Carried a Ruger Security Six in .357Mag for a while.
For a long time, I wore a Ruger Blackhawk in .41Mag when I hiked in the mountains of northern Pennsylvania, mostly because of the coyotes and black bears.
I have carried a S&W M57 in .41 Mag, a M25 in .45 Colt and for a few years a S&W M686 Silhouette with an 8-3/8" barrel in .357 mag in a shoulder (bandolier) rig.
I also carried a Vaquero in .45Colt. Probably a few others that I carried once or twice. I remember carrying my Taurus 5-shot DA .44 Special more than a couple of times.
Lately, it has been a Lipsey's Blackhawk in .44 Special. Still enough bullet and velocity for coyotes or black bears.
Strangest thing, no matter what I carry in a belt or shoulder holster for plinking, ground hogs, etc., I always carry either my SA .45ACP M1911 or Colt Commander .45ACP in the small of my back., just in case I run across some of those two-legged predators.