Gentleman, I simply want more opertunity and freedom. In the other thread I gave what I considered solid reasons for supporting Sunday hunting. I see it as a good opertunity. It will give Dads more time afield with their kids and double the hunting opertunities for most of the hunters in this state.
Although I can not back it up with statistics, I think you may find most active hunters still work for a living. Seven to three or nine to five, five days a week gives only one day a week to hunt.
As for church and time at home with family, that too is a good and nobel choice. But again, it is a choice, a freedom of choice. That is all I ask for, That and the support of fellow hunters who beleave the freedom to choose is important.
Offering logical opinions or reasons for your views only opens the door for discussion. If you make a valid point, you may inlighten another person and change their prospective.
If you don't want to support your opinion, why bother offering it? "Because" is not a reason or a valid argument and leaves no room for open discussion or debate.