If a person goes to college does it automatically put them in a category of being worth X amount of dollars per year? Or, should pay be based on experience and performance instead of being guaranteed by a union?
I've always busted my hump at my blue collar jobs, set production records,efficiency records,lowest rework percentage of coworkers, sat on liaison comittees for design review, and cost reduction, and did not hang out with the pop the pooch crowd,but I never made any more than the company's top pay scale. The key was, is that I was free to go elsewhere at any time if I didn't like it. I always paid my bills and raised my family within my means and even managed some pretty nice vacations.
It all boils down to, There's nobody forcing anybody to work anyplace. If you want more money go to work for somebody that pays more. If that field requires long term education to achieve, work for it. If a field pays more than what a student decides to major in, whose fault is it? Want more money? Work more hours. Get your skills, man up, go to work, and quit whining.