Well if anybody thinks a teacher's job ends at 3:00-3:30pm everyday, they have no idea what a teacher really does. The hours are more than you think. I guess most parents think all their children's graded papers get attention during the 30-40 minutes of planning period each day that most teachers get. That is between the tutoring, parent conferences, phone calls, lesson plans, running off copies, sending assignments to the alternative school, in school suspension, and preparing for the next class. It just doen't all happen from 8-3:30 for teachers doing their jobs. The hours are much closer to 40+ and the pay is much lower per hour than you would guess. As for summers, well I wonder how many of you have to take $800-$1000 out of your own pocket every year just to keep working? For most teachers, the summers are spent in graduate school or attending workshops that are required by their area. In SC, we have to have six graduate credits every five years just to keep your job. The local districts are no longer providing these classes because of the recent downturn in the economy.
Now any person who serves in any of the armed services has my respect. They do a thankless job sometimes as teachers do. They have some perks too that I don't hear many complaining about: paid uniforms, discount stores on base, free medical/dental/vision plan, free meals, discount housing on base, lakes and hunting land only open to members, free college education, hazzard pay, career services, and even a nice retirement. Teachers don't have any of those.
If any of you want the perks of a teacher, there is a federal program called "Project Create". They will pay for you to go back to school to be a teacher as long as you teach in a critical area for two years. Somehow, I don't see many of you jumping on that one.