10 minutes left of legal shooting time, I have a 10 point running a hedge row about 150 yards in front of me, he got to the end of the hedge row, and turned down an open spot in the field, he was coming my way. He got to within 70 yards, I grunted real loud, he stopped dead in his tracks. I had the gun up and ready to shoot, I let the Remington 3 inch Accutip go, it hit the deer on the front scapula and the deer took off on a dead run. He went about 60 yards, piled up just on the other side of a smaller hedge row. The bullet went through the front shoulder plate, exited the back rib area. When I field dressed him, the lungs and the liver were blown apart. First deer with my new Savage 220 and the Accutips. The package worked great.