Author Topic: 44s in 444  (Read 1440 times)

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Offline Mikey

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44s in 444
« on: December 30, 2002, 09:10:21 AM »
Um Advocate:  I would say No, and No.  I have done that before.  I have actually fired 44 magnums, 44 Russians and 44 Specials from the 444 but someone out there recently mentioned that there are significant differences in case head nad base dimentions to worry about split cases and the like.  That never happened to me.

In fact, recently I was talking to the folks at Beartooth Bullets, the folks who make the real heavyweight bullets for the 444s and he told me that I could shoot either the 44 magnum or the 44 special through the 444 if I needed to. The reason I am leery about doing that now is due to the concern about 'ringing' the chamber with a lead ring and then not being able to chamber the 444.  And, I do not believe the actions will properly feed the shorted 44 magnum rounds - I think there is a difference in the followers.

Beartooth was supposed to print some information about lower velocity loads in the 444, about what the 44 magnum would do.  Also, from the older Lyman reloading manuals, there are loadings for the 245 grain cast SWCs in the 444s - not very fast, around 44 magnum carbine velocities - maybe that will help.  Mikey.

Offline L-Roy

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« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2002, 07:29:44 PM »
How much heavier than 325 grains do you want in the .44 mag?  They will run through the Ruger lever and they will smite your shoulder properly, too!
I am, therefore, I think.

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Don M.

Offline coug2wolfs

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.44 Mag's in .444 Marlin Lever Action?
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2002, 12:24:53 PM »
Though technicaly you could do so, I wouldn't think the setup would be accurate for beans with all that freebore????


Best Regards,
AOL IM coug2wolfs

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Offline The Happy Kaboomer

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« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2003, 04:14:53 PM »
I've shot 2 1/2" .410 shotgun shell in my marlin .444p. They will work with no problem however the pattern is terrible coming out of a rifled barrel.
Could be just the thing for blasting a close range snake( and yes I do kill snakes).
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