Author Topic: The Repugnican Plan  (Read 1778 times)

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Offline ironglow

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Re: The Repugnican Plan
« Reply #30 on: November 19, 2011, 11:35:39 AM »
  Some peoiple have to wake up..  assault weapons are already banned and have been so since the NFA (national firearms act) of  1934..
 Technically ann "assault weapon" is capable of full auto it qualifies as a machine gun.
  As far as the old argument of which is the "gun ban party", we have an excellent chance to witness the truth very soon.
  A bill making each of our CC permits legal nationwide has just been passed by the house of representatives, now it goes to the senate..let's see who the gun banners are..
  If this bill gets by the senate..then the prez is supposed to sign it into law..
    FAT CHANCE !, says NRA...
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Re: The Repugnican Plan
« Reply #31 on: November 19, 2011, 11:46:16 AM »
It will never get out of the Senate.
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Offline ironglow

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Re: The Repugnican Plan
« Reply #32 on: November 19, 2011, 01:06:31 PM »
It will never get out of the Senate.
  At least wqe will find out which party are the "gun ban-dits" if we don't know..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: The Repugnican Plan
« Reply #33 on: December 18, 2011, 06:14:17 PM »
As expected, the Repugnican revenue plan raises taxes on the middle class, not fat cats and Big Oil. You guys should change parties and vote your own pocketbook, not Exxon-Mobil's.
As usual the Media got the facts wrong.
The republican plan is to lower the tax rate to increase total dollar revinue.
There is an inverse relationship between tax rates and the amount of $ collected.
The lower the rate the more money is handed into the treasury as low tax rates create new jobs and business to tax.
Widening the tax base.
Straight from The G.W. Bush playbook.  He kept cutting taxes for billionaires until he cut us almost to Great Depression #2.
A little history,
When Ronald Reagan lowered the top marginal tax rate, we were pulled out of the resession, the double digit inflation, and the lack of  an energy policy we had under him.
WIth the Regan tax cuts, it created growth, created new products, created factories, created jobs, raised pay.  In doing this and creating more commerce more tax dollars flowed to Washington, The Democrat controled House spent it and more.
Still the economic machine Ronald Regan unleashed with massive tax cuts, it took a Democrat tax increase under Bush 41 (causing a slight ression), and two tax increases under Bill Clinton (each slowing business) and an attack on the nation to end the economic machine unleashed by Regan.  The tiny tax cut under Bush 43 did not put us anywhere near where we were when Clinton took office.
So far under Obama, we have negitive plans, A plan to raise fuel costs - He said it will be neccessary to raise energy prices to curtail usage.  We have a plan to tax us into a greater ression.  The Obama plan under the EPA is out to end manufacturing, end mining, end drilling and end refining.  All Middle class jobs, all union and managament jobs that create the middle class.  The middle class creates small business in services and stores.  Creation of these jobs help to raise people out of  the lower middle class, and out of the Democrat created welfare class.  The Bush 43 tax cuts were across the board, so if you paid taxes, you paid less.  Of coures the Democrat definition of who is a millionaire has dropped to anyone making 250,000 a year, including most small business that used those tax cuts to lower prices, increase inventory, and hire new people.
Obama does not understand that the creation of each government job steals capital and we loose 3 private sector jobs to pay for the government job.
I will not get into the coruption that has been done under the stimulus bill and the transfer of wealth from the tax payers to his friends and supporters.  When the Navy buys Bio Deisel from an Obama supporter at 4X the cost of fuel.  You or I could have purchased Bio fuel on the open market for 1/3 the price and made a killing selling it to the Navy.  Forget about all of the Solor power and the battery cars that cost 3x the average annual salary like the Tesla and hthe Gore mobile that start at 120K and go up from there. 

Offline andy1300

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Re: The Repugnican Plan
« Reply #34 on: December 18, 2011, 07:57:32 PM »
I have no need for a tank in my gun locker, Iakota your the one that is brainwashed, Obama has nothing against our hunting guns.
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Offline DDZ

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Re: The Repugnican Plan
« Reply #35 on: December 18, 2011, 11:54:25 PM »
I have no need for a tank in my gun locker, Iakota your the one that is brainwashed, Obama has nothing against our hunting guns.

...and I guess Obama will be deciding what a hunting gun is? 
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Offline magooch

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Re: The Repugnican Plan
« Reply #36 on: December 19, 2011, 04:15:45 AM »
Is there really anyone here who believes Obama believes in the Second Amendment?  Is there anyone here who really believes that Obama wants to lower taxes on anyone.  Oh yeah, I see two, or is that three hands raised.   
Now that's not to say that I place blind faith in what any candidate, or party will do to us, but how dense do you have to be to think the communist party is going respect gun rights, or lower taxes?

Offline ironglow

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Re: The Repugnican Plan
« Reply #37 on: December 19, 2011, 05:34:33 AM »
  A person would have to be BLIND, STUPID, AND IN claim Obama isn't anti ssecond amendment..
      In this link from "On Ihe Issues" (anon-partisan site) shows in the first paragraphs, tha Obama voted AGAINST a bill designed to reinforce a citizen's right to defend themselves from a criminal invasion of themselves and their own home.
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: The Repugnican Plan
« Reply #38 on: December 19, 2011, 07:22:57 AM »
Is there really anyone here who believes Obama believes in the Second Amendment?  Is there anyone here who really believes that Obama wants to lower taxes on anyone.  Oh yeah, I see two, or is that three hands raised.   
Now that's not to say that I place blind faith in what any candidate, or party will do to us, but how dense do you have to be to think the communist party is going respect gun rights, or lower taxes?
In a conversation between Eric Holder and Obama, they were talking about gun rights.  They said that there may be a second amendment and that you may have a right to firearms, but it says nothing about ammunition.  They are going to go after anyone with a gun in his second term, or from November to January if he can not voter fraud his way into a second term.
So Andy 1300 you may be right and he is going to stay out of your gun closet, but your ammo locker is another story.  He is the king of tax it, I do not see why he would not try to tax the lead, the primers, powder, the brass all under EPA rules.  The whole fast and furroius arms deals were to pin illegal gun sales on law abiding Americans and close thousands of small business gun stores by burring them in red tape and taxes.

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Re: The Repugnican Plan
« Reply #39 on: December 19, 2011, 11:21:26 AM »
If Obama were elected for a second term, he would most likely have the chance to seat a couple more liberal, anti 2nd amendment supreme court justices. Which would be a supreme court majority for those that hate citizens owning guns. 
What is going to happen when we get a couple more anti 2nd amendment justices in place. For the answer look at the supreme courts Heller and McDonald decisions that struck down D.C.'s and Chicago's unconstitutional gun bans. In the Heller dissent four justices concluded that the 2nd Amendment does not guarantee an individual's right to own a firearm, nor does it protect our right to defend ourselves, family, or property. In McDonald the same four justices argued that the 5-4 Heller decision should be reversed.   

In Obama's earlier political career he endorsed a ban on the sale, manufacture, and possession of all handguns. He opposed right to carry laws, and he even placed a vote to ban nearly all commonly used hunting rifle ammunition. There are those that think as long as we have our deer rifles everything is fine. Even though if those same people would read and comprehend the 2nd amendment, they would find out that deer rifles have nothing to do with the reason the 2nd Amendment was included in the Constitution.
I can't quite grasp the fact that people assume that Obama is gun owners friends, when in the past he voted against gun owners every chance he got. Its time for people to wake up, because there isn't much time left, to wake up.
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Re: The Repugnican Plan
« Reply #40 on: December 20, 2011, 08:30:25 AM »
I have no need for a tank in my gun locker, Iakota your the one that is brainwashed, Obama has nothing against our hunting guns.

...and I guess Obama will be deciding what a hunting gun is?

The 2nd amendment has nothing to do with hunting guns.

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Offline lakota

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Re: The Repugnican Plan
« Reply #41 on: December 20, 2011, 09:01:57 AM »
I have no need for a tank in my gun locker, Iakota your the one that is brainwashed, Obama has nothing against our hunting guns.

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Offline Cuts Crooked

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Re: The Repugnican Plan
« Reply #42 on: December 20, 2011, 09:55:24 AM »

The 2nd amendment has nothing to do with hunting guns.


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Re: The Repugnican Plan
« Reply #43 on: December 20, 2011, 11:41:16 AM »
It will never get out of the Senate.
  At least wqe will find out which party are the "gun ban-dits" if we don't know..

No doubt Obama wants to disarm America! But don't think for one minute the other side of the coin isn't in favor of it! We like to blame the OTHER party for all the bad things that are happening to us, and what few crumbs we are fed, we give credit to the ones we supported.

They are working together, and if we cannot figure that out, then we're doomed.
Do a google on Republicans for gun control and see where they stand on the subject. (You may be surprised) There is one running for the presidency now, that has never supported gun control. "GUESS WHO"? I know there are some on the forum who are sick of hearing his name so for them, I'll just say.........R.P ;) .

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Offline Stillkickin

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Re: The Repugnican Plan
« Reply #44 on: December 20, 2011, 11:52:42 AM »
There was a time when the Democratic party had members who were pro-gun and voted as such.  It has gotten to the point today where it is almost impossible to find a pro-gun democrat.  Oh, there are a few, but DARN few, nowhere near the 40% or 50% that there were decades ago.  It is ALMOST a certainty these days that anybody carrying the democrat banner is anti-gun in practice regardless of what they say in words.
As for obama, he was on record as saying, in conversation with Pelosi or Feinstein I believe, that any efforts to strengthen gun control during his first term would have to be done "under the radar."  That kind of bold assertion to using deception is a pretty strong indication, to me, of his intent.  And a pretty strong indication of how his efforts would change if given a second term.