I may have posted this before, don't remember. You can have scent free clothes when deer hunting on a budget. I have used this technique for years and it has worked for me as I have been within 20 yards or less of deer and they did not know I was there. So here's a simple recipe for your hunting clothes.
Use half Twenty Mule Borax and half baking soda (about as much as your would use a detergent) to wash your hunting clothes and wash them in cold water so they won't fade as bad. The Twenty Mule Borax will clean them and it doesn't have brighteners like regular detergent does so after a couple of washes, the brighter that your hunting clothes had will be gone. Deer can see the brightener as they have a different vision than we do. The baking soda will remove all the scent out of your clothes. Once washed, bag up your clothes in a new garbage bag or anything that you can enclose them in away from other odors. I like to put some leaves, a little dirt and pine needles in my bag so my clothes will smell like the woods. This is a lot cheaper method than that stuff you have to pay an arm and leg for at your sporting goods store.
I got this recipe for washing clothes from the U.S. Army snipers as they also have to remain scent free so that an animal does not give away their location and it also works for them. BTW, they wash everything they wear including belts and etc. with this.
Also do not gas up your vehicle on the way hunting, do it the day before. You might even want to carry the clothes and change into them when getting to your hunting destination and they will be really scent free. Try it out and if you like the results, you can buy me a cup of coffee sometime!