To Andy1300: I apologize on behalf of anyone who legally owns a gun who has improperly threatened you. If you will identify them for me, I'll personally call them and tell them how wrong they were. You can also report them to the police. Perhaps you could tell us more about what happened?
This will probably frighten you as well: There are probably lots more people out there, maybe even some in your neighborhood, who have passed the Federal background checks and LEGALLY purchased firearms and LEGALLY own them in accordance with local, state, and Federal laws. Like me...and I don't hunt any more. I just like to shoot at paper and plastic targets.
If that's not scary enough: There are places where, after passing the Federal background checks and paying the necessary costs, people can LEGALLY purchase, own, and even shoot, automatic weapons. I even saw a few artillery pieces with ammo for sale in the latest issue of Shotgun News. Folks can even own short-barreled weapons, with suppressors, after passing the necessary Federal background checks and paying the necessary fees. And tanks as well.
Here's the kicker: Even studies by the Brady Bunch and Handgun Haters, Inc, and Hoplophobes Anonymous have shown that you're far less likely to be harmed by those folks I just described, above, than you are by your local pimps, dealers, dopers, burglars, thieves, robbers, and gangbangers...who ILLEGALLY have all kinds of scary ILLEGAL weapons.
Having said that, I know that it's impossible to convince a liberal gungrabber/gunhater with facts, logic, and common sense that it's neither we Second Amendment lovers, nor our LEGALLY-owned firearms, that are your enemies. But we really, really aren't. We just believe in the Second Amendment with the same fervor that you believe in the First.