If you think hogs are only a nuisance to folks raising cash crops, ask folks with bermuda grass yards, in the suburbs, and in the country. They will destroy a yard in one night, and will quite literally eat ANYTHING, including each other. They will go down a creek in my part of Texas, and vacuum up every native pecan, acorn, grub worm, quail egg, and deer fawns if they can catch them, and leave every native specie animal to starve.
The young start breeding a 6 months old, and so do their young, and so on, and so on. Most die before their 7 years old as the wear their molars out foraging, so a really big hog is not that common. I have killed some four hundred pounders but not many. Fat doesn't weigh as much as muscle and without a scale a hog many times though big, doesn't weigh as much as he looks like he would.
That doesn't stop them from being destructive however. They are around here, mostly nocturnal, and are only dangerous when cornered, unless you get a piglet, and the sow hears one squeal.