i used the 130gr hornady ssp this past deer season in my 14" 30-30ackley improved. the load chronographed 2588fps average. i killed 2 whitetail does at 50 and 75 yards. at these velocities the bullet had great expansion. there was very little exit, with bullet fragments. the bullet worked great, but is a little soft maybe for these velocities. accuracy is super with both types.
i contacted hornady, and questioned them comparing the 130gr sp, and 130gr ssp. i was told that the two are very similar, but havn't shot game with the standard sp yet to see.
i had also heard the 130gr ssp was discontinued. hornady said that it was true also, but have since heard conflicting statements, so i'm not 100% sure.
i was also told by sierra techs that sierra discontinued the 135gr sspb. so i'd stock up if you intend on using either for long.