I knew it!!! Their coming back! Just the other day I was out walking my line thinking about uses for ...well... anything. Possum hats crossed my mind. They did!
They are different, you never see possum at niemans for instance, it would be well... different, it would make a statement. I could make me a hat out of the best prime possum I could catch all year and it wouldn't be that expensive, it actually wouldn't cost anything. Thats it! Yeah! possum! If it caught on I would have been one of the ones ... who started it all! What do you mean how to make them... Who cares, just wad it up and sew it together, it will be well, a possum hat . Great idea, this is the reason I read all this stuff to get ideas for money making or just well... ideas you know! Yeah!
Thanks man I'm on it. I will get me the first possum that look really good, and not shoot him and throw him in the ditch, but rather {I'm not kidding} and make a hat out of him if I am the only one besides the other guy who had the same idea, to own one. There! possum hat.