The Lovely Miss Peggy and I have started looking for a Lab. So Saturday we took a ride to Jays Sporting Goods Clare MI on Saturdays folks who have litters bring them to show. Well for what ever reason there were no Labs there.
So we went in and I love to snoop thier used rack and there it was
I found a full size 22 Mag just like my Ultra Hunters
I have a few Sportsters but this was really cool Ultra Stock etc
So of course I needed it it had a stinky scope on it not inc in the price great keep it
I did get mount and rings and so I am ready Doug had the 6X Vortex on his holiday special I had no Idea why I needed one maybe this is why
I have been hearing Vortex a lot so I wanted to see one it maybe right for this
The Sportsters will be great for beating around the woods but this will also be fun
Man Stinky pictures but you get the idea