I have the Timney triggers in 3 Mauser sporters; they are definitely very nice triggers, but they are also definitely a hunting rifle trigger: they sit at the rear of the trigger guard, have a short single-stage pull, are adjustable for weight, pretravel, overtravel, etc.
Another alternative is the Huber Concepts trigger. It's a military trigger (unlike the Timneys), but is also semi-adjustable and has a roller ball, so trigger pull is very smooth as well as crisp and (fairly) light. Keeps the milsurps "military", but you get a sweet trigger. I've got one in a 1903A3, and am definitely getting more for the M-N 91/30s, the SMLE, etc.
Unless I misunderstood, your '94 is going to remain "military" (a milsporter?), so you might want the Huber. Either trigger is worlds better than the issue trigger. For a young shooter, a good trigger means one less thing for them to try to manage.