Author Topic: Swedish Women Gang Raped by African Asylum Seekers  (Read 598 times)

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Swedish Women Gang Raped by African Asylum Seekers
« on: December 09, 2011, 11:31:29 AM »
Going back to the 1950's, no country and no people were more smug, arrogant and self righteous in condemning American white people for "racism" than insufferable Swedes.   An all white country with no racial "diversity" at that time, they lectured the US on race relations, foreign policy, etc.  (After sitting out WW2 and raking in profits from selling war material to the Nazis.)
Now they have a veritiable invasion of African "Asylum Seekers" and are experience crime waves, violence and gang rapes of Swedish women by these savages.
Hmmm....Sweden never had black slavery, colonies, cotton plantatinos, a slave trade,  Jim Crow, segregation,  etc., like the dirty rotten USA, so Blacks  can't blame white racism for going out and  gang raping Swedish  white women like American Blacks who blame all of their dysfunctional, violent conduct on "white racism" and the "legacy of slavery."   

There is a certain measure of poetic justice in seeing massive gang rapes of white Swedish women by non-white "immigrants" in a county that was notorious for its self-righteous condemnation of "racism" in the 1950's US.    No people were more smug and arrogant in wagging their fingers at white American "racists"  than smug Swedes living in their all white country.  Now they have "Diversity" and  now that  it's their women who are being raped and their cities that are being transformed into jungles,  maybe they might have a change of heart about the blessings of "diversity"?   
Read the comments section.  Probably the most significant part of this story.  People in Europe are getting just as sick of these third world savages as Americans.  Maybe they will apologize to American southernors  after all these years of smugly dismissing them as "racists."
The big question:  Will frustrated Swedes, engraged by their own government's inability to defend them and their women, introduce lynching in an effort to  deter gang rapes by  feral non-white predators?

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Re: Swedish Women Gang Raped by African Asylum Seekers
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2012, 12:34:14 AM »
...gang rapes of Swedish women by these savages...
There is a certain measure of poetic justice in seeing massive gang rapes of white Swedish women by non-white "immigrants"...
Oh my...
Will frustrated Swedes, engraged by their own government's inability to defend them and their women, introduce lynching in an effort to  deter gang rapes by  feral non-white predators?
Is that why so many black people were lynched in Dixie... to discourage feral non-white predators?

Feral is bad, right? They were domesticated, then went wild?
Jesus said we should treat other as we'd want to be treated... and he didn't qualify that by their party affiliation, race, or even if they're of diff religion.