I use CadStd and LibreCad for knifemaking. CadStd is very simple 2D, and free, and was nice to get back a feeling for drafting. LibreCad, also free, is much more robust and works with files from AutoCad and other major programs. LibreCad also has some more flexibility on curves, which is important for designing blade profiles, and edge bevels. I imagine it'd come in handy designing a cannon.
I had my son learn manual drafting last year, up through some basic mechanical shapes. My Dad was a draftsman and cartographer, and I took 4 years of drafting counting a year in college, all manual. Had notions of becoming an architect. Comes in handy when you're trying to describe something and all you have is a pen and napkin, rather proud I can still draw a straight line, my angles are proportional, and it looks mostly like what I imagine.