well, this'n's a little too small. i had th' same thing happen t' me; bought an a-5 that shot great but thumped me so much that after two er three rounds o' trap, i'd git flinchy. put a slip-on on 'er, and she din't fit no more; too long. gonna hafta change trap guns er cut th' stock 'n put on a pad--and it's th' old-style rounded pistol-grip stock, too! it's a little differnt with a 101 i got in a trade fer a 300 savage; that one wuz 1/2" too short when i got it, and 1/2" too long when i added th' slip-on, so cuttin' that one's a no-brainer!
i know the resale values drop if ye alter 'em, but after all, we didn't buy 'em t' make money, we bought 'em to enjoy! might's well enjoy!
mind yer topknot!