I wouldn't hunt hogs with my 7.62x39; its a bit light in the energy department for the tough shoulders and bones of hogs. Not that it won't kill one, just not my ideal gun. The other two calibers sound like just the ticket.
Manitoba is so different from TX I couldn't begin to tell you about habitat, but pretty much everywhere I think that hogs like to lay up in thick stuff (if you have trouble crawling in its about right) during most of the daylight hours and do most of their traveling and feeding at night. They like to hang around mud holes or a source of water down here, but then again it can get mighty dry and hot compared to Manitoba. Look for rubs (muddy smears on bottom 2-3 feet of trees) and rooted soil (looks like it was plowed) as telltale sign.
Good luck finding some porkers; they are mighty fine eating up to about 150 pounds or so.