I kicked the idea around for a long time, but finally talked myself out of it. The Bond gun was just too heavy and too darn hard to cock to be very practical. The .410, to me, is very underwhelming, The .45 Colt, on the other hand, is an excellent round, but again, the heavy, hard to cock, SA platform just wasn't practical. Instead, for a pocket gun I went with a S&W 638. I know it's a boring gun, and only a .38+P, but it's light, easy to shoot, well designed (it's like pointing your finger), and the ammo is pretty darn cheap when compared with .45 Colt stuff. My model 25 stays in the safe because it costs so much to shoot. When knocking about the woods I usually carry something bigger, but as a pocket gun, it's terrific. But as to your original question, I've never been attacked by a halibut! Maybe some Cor-Bon loads . . .