Nice try at minimizing with usual conspiracy charge for a credibility attack, but I'm afraid those examples aren't conspiracies....but quite proven and admitted self-inflicted attacks on Americans or attacks based on false premises....and that's the name of the game in warfare...Read Sun Tsu rule #1, read the motto of Victor Ostrovsky. Quit trying to pull wool over reader's eyes.
Want to look at Oklahoma City bombing for example.....? How about Lavon Affair--Operation Suzannah, Maybe Gulf of Tonkin, USS Pueblo, Kuwait Gulf War 1,,,,,, your choice.
Since you keep on listing conspiracies that aren’t accepted by 99.9% of the public or historians as true “historical events”, let me ask it another way.
Are there any significant historical events over the last 200 years that you accept as having occurred as written in the history books and that you feel aren’t products of some conspiracy?