My wife has been a paralegal for over 30 years. I have observed prosacuters looking to raise their stats. The higher their win rates in prosacutions, the better their chances for promotion. No one in the system cares that the prosacutions were wrong, or that evidence was suppressed by the prosacution. Nothing is ever done unless the media gets hold of it. I've watched this over and over again but nothing is ever done. When I was on the Grand Jury, the local District Attourney (Whom I knew from son's Hockey) grew to hate me. He wanted to prosacute so many of these cases, and it was rediculous. Totally obvious the person was in the right, but he still wanted to prosacute.
Case in point. Two young GIs were downtown, met two young women who claimed to be 17 (legal age of concent). Went to a motel and had a party. Girls bragtged about it and GIs were tried and sent to prison. Still there 10 years later. Same two girls three weeks later, did same thing with two older civilian men. Girls bragged about it men were arrested. Diffarant attourney for the defense, Showed the two girls were repeat offenders and got the men off.