There are a lot of highly educated out-of-work people in our country right now, saddled with college and home loans that they will not be able to pay off. They will vote for the candidate that pays off their loans, which then puts their burden on the shrinking minority of us who pay taxes. They will vote for the candidate that gives them free HC, which also puts a burden on the taxpayer and the HC system itself. Unemployment is a ripe breeding ground for socialist ideals, if you look at history. Hungry people will abandon their beliefs and principles ... makes sense.
And Obama's defense plan is to cut the military workforce by 1/3, cut 500,000 jobs out, by 2022, the bulk of which will be in his 2nd term. That's active duty, which translates to at least that many if not more in civilian jobs, contract or GS. I suspect the public unions will be safe, but everyone else will be at risk. In November, DOD manpower office violated law and implemented an Early Release Board, laying off promotable E-6s. Law states that once you make E-6, you're guaranteed reenlistment to 20 years and retirement as long as you keep your nose clean. I was present for delivery of the news to 10 high quality men, 9 of which with families, who had worked hard and fully expected us to uphold our end of their contract. They'll get a lump sum severance of 10% of their base bay times the number of months times the number of years of service, before taxes, as well as 6 months health care, and 18mos COBRA afterwards. Many E-5 and below will be ramped out at the end of their current contract, although the plan is to keep recruiting. E-7 and above, to include officers, will be facing early retirement boards. I'm spitballing, but I figure that's 750,000 more unemployed ... say 600,000 families. Nevermind 2nd and 3rd order effect on local businesses, contractors, housing markets, schools, etc.