Growing up I knew a family that had an old pick-up with a cow-catcher front bumper, this was their deer hunting truck, and I wouldn’t even try to estimate all the illegal deer they took by running them down. For this reason many states adapted the practice of not allowing road kill to be taken. I’m sure there are those out there today that would run down a deer if they thought they could take the meat.
I can see the good side to this, not allowing the meat to go to waste, but I can also see a possibility of illegal hunters running them down. It’s a darned if you do, darned if you don’t situation.
A couple of weeks ago we watched a story on the Discovery Channel where two old guys on motorcycles travel around and try different things to eat, on this program they were in North Carolina with some ole boy that “harvested’ road kill every morning, He took everything, even snakes and prepared it for his meals. I wouldn’t want to live like that, but I’m sure the largest part of road kill is editable an d could be used, if desired.